Sexual Assault Attorney Lists Dos & Don’ts After An Arrest

Sexual Assault Attorney Lists Dos & Don’ts After An Arrest

For those arrested for sex-related crimes in Manassas, Virginia, immediately obtaining legal support is crucial. A quick search for a “sexual assault attorney near me” can connect you with a professional who understands the intricacies of these cases. Securing prompt legal defense means getting clear guidance on what actions to take and avoid after being taken into custody.

This article offers valuable insights into sexual assault charges in Virginia and the potential penalties for conviction. Learn about the critical dos and don’ts following an arrest and how a skilled local lawyer can safeguard your rights and strengthen your defense.

A Sexual Assault Attorney Can Assist You Through The Legal Process

A Local Sexual Assault Attorney Can Help You

A criminal defense attorney with extensive experience understands the trauma and confusion following a sexual assault arrest. Navigating the judicial system can be overwhelming, but legal representation helps you make sense of the charges and the process ahead.

Having a seasoned attorney familiar with Manassas’s body of law can positively impact your case. They understand local regulations and procedures and know key players in the judicial system. This familiarization better protects your rights, especially during the critical early moments of your arrest.

Moreover, a compassionate lawyer effectively handles the taxing legwork, from gathering evidence to building a solid defense strategy. They strive for the most favorable outcome, whether a charge dismissal, a favorable plea bargain, or a strong court defense. These attorneys champion your rights and help you better understand the challenging ordeal of sexual assault charges.

Overview Of Sexual Assault Charges In Manassas

In Virginia, sexual assault involves sex-related activity that happens without the consent of one or more parties. Consent must be informed, voluntary, and given by someone who can legally provide one. If a person is incapacitated, coerced, or threatened, their consent is not considered valid.

This serious criminal offense covers a variety of acts, ranging from unwanted touching to penetration. The various sexual assault offenses in the state include:

  • Rape: Involves sexual intercourse against the victim’s will through force, threat, or intimidation.
  • Forcible Sodomy: Includes certain acts like oral or anal sex performed without the victim’s consent.
  • Sexual Battery: Entails non-consensual sexual contact with the intent to sexually arouse, gratify, or abuse either the perpetrator or the victim.
  • Object Sexual Penetration (OSP): Forced or unwanted sexual contact with an object, including self-infliction or involving animals.

Each of these offenses highlights the critical importance of consent and the protection of minors and vulnerable individuals. Virginia’s strict stance on these crimes is reflected in their significant consequences.

Legal Consequences Of The Offense

The gravity of the punishments for sexual assault charges in Virginia aims to deter such behavior. Rape convictions can lead to five years to life in prison, with a mandatory 25 years or life for cases involving under-13 victims and older offenders.

Forcible sodomy and object sexual penetration carry similar ranges of imprisonment, from five years to life. In both offenses, if the victim is under 13 and the offender is significantly older or more than three years, the mandatory minimum is 25 years.

The consequences for sexual battery vary based on circumstances. Misdemeanor convictions can result in up to 12 months in jail. Meanwhile, felony charges can lead to longer prison sentences, especially if minors or other aggravating factors are involved.

If you’re facing arrest for any of these crimes, you must comply despite the fear. Resisting arrest is a separate offense classified as a misdemeanor, but it can escalate to a felony if violence or significant harm to officers is inflicted.

Sexual assault charges need a nuanced approach from an experienced lawyer. Seeking legal advice upon arrest is crucial, as a reliable attorney can guide you and prevent further complications.

A Sexual Assault Attorney Gives Lawful Tips After An Arrest

Having an experienced attorney focusing on sexual assault crimes can significantly affect the result of your case. They guide you on what key actions to take and avoid to navigate this situation with a clear head. Here are some legal tips you can employ after being seized by authorities.

The Dos

If there’s ever a moment to get things right when facing criminal charges, it’s your conduct after an arrest. Exercising these steps can make all the difference:

Stay Calm & Composed

It’s natural to feel anxious, but keeping calm is crucial. Panicking can lead to impulsive actions that might harm your defense. Take deep breaths, stay as collected as possible, and focus on the steps you need to take next. Your behavior after the arrest can influence the perception of law enforcement and the court.

Exercise Your Rights 

You have the right to remain silent, so inform the police politely but firmly. This prevents self-incrimination or misinterpretation of your words. Immediately request a lawyer to protect your rights and avoid critical mistakes. A sexual assault attorney can guide you through this process.

Cooperate With Law Enforcement

While it’s essential to remain silent about the specifics of your case, you should still be generally cooperative with law enforcement. Comply with basic requests, such as providing identification. This can help avoid additional charges like obstruction of justice.

Document The Incident

As soon as possible, write down everything you remember about the incident. Include details such as times, locations, people present, and anything that transpired. These details can be crucial for your defense. Memories may blur or become distorted over time, so having a written account can help your attorney stitch an accurate narrative.

Knowing what to do after an arrest is just half the battle. You must also understand what mistakes to avoid to protect your case.

The Don’ts

The clock is ticking after an arrest. Every action you take matters, and some missteps can unknowingly hurt your situation. Here’s what you need to avoid to sidestep further trouble.

Make Statements Without An Attorney

Even if you believe you have nothing to hide, you must still resist the urge to answer detailed questions or explain your innocence to the police. Their questioning can intentionally mislead you, and anything you say can be misconstrued, even if it seems harmless or forgiving.

Contact The Accuser

Do not try to reach out to the alleged victim directly under any circumstances. This can be seen as intimidation, harassment, or tampering with a witness and can negatively affect your case. Avoid any form of contact, including through third parties. All communication should be facilitated through your lawyer.

Share Details On Social Media

Social media posts can be used as evidence in today’s digital age. Anything you share about your case, your arrest, or the alleged victim can be scrutinized and potentially used against you in court. It’s best to stay off social media entirely during this time and keep case details private while your lawyer builds your defense.

Provide False Information

Lying to law enforcement or providing false information might trigger further charges, such as obstruction of justice. Always be truthful about basic information like your name and address, but avoid discussing case details until your attorney is present. Honesty in these primary areas is crucial.

Ignore Legal Advice

Your attorney is there to help you navigate the legal system and protect your rights. Ignoring their advice can have serious consequences. Trust in their skills and follow their guidance closely. They have your best interests in mind and are working to secure the best possible outcome for your case.

Following these dos and don’ts can help protect your rights and build a more robust defense. An experienced attorney will provide the necessary support and guidance to help you navigate this difficult situation. Since your fate lies in the power of your defense, you must carefully select a legal representative.

The Irving Law Firm Defends Your Rights

Know What To Do And What Not To Do With Legal Assistance From A Sexual Assault Lawyer

The Irving Law Firm in Virginia offers vital guidance following an arrest for sexual assault. Our seasoned attorneys provide essential advice on how to deal with law enforcement properly. As your advocate, we help you understand your rights and ensure you are well informed at each step.

Our dedicated team has extensive experience defending criminal cases. This background allows us to craft a personalized defense strategy for each client. We leverage our deep understanding of the local court system in Manassas to handle your case effectively. Our primary goal is to lessen the repercussions, whether mitigating potential penalties or seeking dismissal of charges.

Beyond legal representation, we provide emotional support during a difficult time by assuring you of the effort we put into defending you. We are dedicated to protecting your rights while offering the empathy and understanding you need to overcome this challenge.


In Manassas, Virginia, sexual assault charges involve various non-consensual sexual activity, where consent must be informed, voluntary, and legally valid. The types of such charges include rape, forcible sodomy, sexual battery, and object sexual penetration. Their consequences are significant, which can result in lengthy prison time and hefty fines.

For those facing such charges, a sexual assault attorney from The Irving Law Firm can provide essential guidance on what actions to take and avoid following an arrest. Key steps include remaining calm, asserting your right to remain silent, and requesting legal representation. It’s equally important to avoid making statements without a lawyer, contacting the accuser, or posting on social media.

John Irving brings a working knowledge of all aspects of the legal process to any case or client with his extensive and eclectic legal background. In 1997, John received his undergraduate bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. Shortly after graduation he began work as a fraud investigator for the City of New York. John handled thousands of cases involving welfare and housing fraud. Following this position, he was recruited to and employed by the Prince William County Police Department where he exhibited his superior abilities and received several commendations and awards.

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