Expungement Lawyers Near Me Guide You On Sealing Criminal Records

Expungement Lawyers Near Me Guide You On Sealing Criminal Records

Have you ever been arrested or charged with a crime in Virginia? If so, you may have tried typing “expungement lawyers near me” on Google search to learn how to start on a clean slate. These attorneys can assist you with the legalities of the expunction process, helping you avoid the significant consequences of a criminal record.

Here, you’ll learn about Virginia’s expungement laws and their significance for individuals seeking a fresh start. You’ll also see the eligibility criteria and the common challenges you may face. By understanding the process and seeking the proper legal support, you can take a significant step toward a brighter future.

Expungement Lawyers Help You Move Forward

Virginia’s expungement laws can be complex, and having a knowledgeable lawyer can impact your success. These attorneys possess in-depth knowledge of Virginia’s regulations and will assist you correctly and efficiently. They provide legal guidance and emotional and moral support.

From the initial evaluation to the final court hearing, these attorneys ensure you follow all paperwork and procedures meticulously. This guidance is essential in preventing errors that could delay or jeopardize your chances. By offering a clear path forward, felony expungement lawyers help you regain control of your life and move towards a brighter future.

As you work with a criminal lawyer to navigate the complexities of expungement, it’s essential to understand the fundamental aspects of this provision. Knowing what it entails, its legal process and implications, and how it differs from other record-clearing options can give you a clearer perspective.

Expungement Lawyers Near Me Criminal Record Sealing

Overview Of Expungement In Virginia

Expungement is a legal process that allows individuals to clear their criminal records from public view. Once a record is expunged, it is no longer accessible to the general public, which can tremendously impact a person’s life. For those who’ve faced limitations due to a past arrest or charge, this can open doors to employment, housing, and other opportunities that were previously out of reach.

However, while the general public cannot see it, the record may still be available to certain government entities in specific circumstances. Still, this level of privacy makes a huge difference for individuals trying to move forward and rebuild their lives without the shadow of an arrest hanging over them.

Before diving into the eligibility requirements, it’s essential to understand that not everyone qualifies for this relief. Determining if your situation meets the conditions is the first step in exploring whether this provision can give you a fresh start.

Eligibility Criteria For Record Sealing

Eligibility for expungement is specific and must be carefully reviewed to determine if you can take advantage of this opportunity. Knowing the criteria for the current laws is essential for assessing your situation and planning your next steps confidently. Typically, you are eligible if:

Acquitted Of Charges

If the court acquits you of charges, you can clear your criminal record in Virginia. This means they found you not guilty, and you walked away without a conviction.

Victim Of Identity Theft

Virginia law allows you to clear your record if someone committed a crime while using your identity. Once you prove that the arrest doesn’t reflect your action, the court allows you to petition to expunge the arrest from your record.

Received Absolute Pardon

An absolute pardon in Virginia means you received complete forgiveness for your crime, often due to evidence proving your innocence. It acknowledges that the conviction was a mistake and allows you to clear your record.

Certain situations may also make you eligible, even if they don’t fit these categories. These circumstances often involve unique legal considerations that could open the door to expungement, providing another pathway to a fresh start.

Contempt Of Court In Civil Actions

If you faced contempt of court charges in a civil action but were found not guilty, you can seek to clear your record in Virginia. This situation acknowledges that the accusation was unfounded, and you should not have a lasting mark on your record.

Nolle Prosequi Cases

When the Commonwealth Attorney’s office decides not to prosecute (nolle prosequi) all charges in your criminal case, you become eligible to clear your record. This means the prosecutor chose not to proceed with the case against you, often due to insufficient evidence or other factors.

Misdemeanors Leading To Civil Suits

If charged with assault and battery or another misdemeanor leading to a civil lawsuit, you might qualify for record clearing. The injured party must provide a written statement confirming they have received satisfaction for their injury. This process emphasizes restitution and resolution.

Age & Time-Related Criteria

Most juvenile records are typically expunged once you turn 19, provided it has been five years since the last hearing. This helps young individuals start adulthood without a criminal record. However, if the conviction was for an act that would have been a felony if committed by an adult, additional steps are needed for expungement.

As you navigate the eligibility criteria and other legalities, it is essential to recognize the evolving nature of Virginia’s expungement laws. Recent legislative changes have introduced new opportunities and modifications that could impact your ability to clear your record.

Development Under Virginia’s New Expungement Law

Virginia’s new laws give individuals with criminal convictions much-needed relief. The legislation, passed in 2021, will take effect on July 1, 2025, allowing time for people to prepare for these changes.

Unlike the current expungement process, which applies only to acquittals or dismissed charges, these new laws broaden the scope. They let people with specific criminal convictions hide their records from public view. This shift offers real hope for those who’ve faced obstacles due to past convictions.

However, it’s essential to consider certain exceptions when a criminal record is sealed under Virginia law. Although the public generally cannot access sealed records, and you can legally deny their existence in most situations, several vital exceptions apply:

  • Law Enforcement Employment: When applying for any law enforcement position, including with the State Police, local police, or sheriff’s office, you must disclose sealed records. This requirement applies to full-time, part-time, and volunteer positions.
  • State Law Requirements: Some jobs require background checks under Virginia state law. In these cases, employers must ask about sealed records, and you need to provide the information when requested.
  • Federal Law Requirements: Certain federal laws mandate that employers inquire about sealed criminal records. You must disclose your sealed record if your job application meets these federal requirements.
  • National Security Positions: You must divulge past convictions for positions related to national security or jobs requiring access to premises with a national security clearance. This includes roles governed by U.S. statutes, regulations, or Executive Orders.

Failure to report a sealed offense, if done knowingly or willfully, may result in prosecution for perjury. Navigating these legal processes can be complex, and securing a clean record requires legal guidance.

Expungement Attorneys Guide You On The Process

How Expungement Lawyers Near Me Clear RecordsCriminal attorneys guide you through every step of expunging your record, ensuring the process goes smoothly and efficiently. From determining eligibility to attending court hearings, having a lawyer by your side makes a significant difference.

  • Check Eligibility: The first step is determining if you qualify. An expungement attorney reviews your case, identifies if you meet Virginia law requirements, and simplifies the legal jargon for you.
  • File a Petition: Once confirmed eligible, your lawyer helps file the petition in the appropriate Virginia Circuit Court, ensuring all documents are included and fees are handled.
  • Attend the Hearing: After filing, you must schedule a court hearing within 30 days. Your lawyer advocates for you, presenting your case to the judge during this essential moment.
  • Await Court’s Decision: The court usually takes three to six months to decide. Your lawyer tracks the progress and updates you with a confirmation letter expected once the expungement is granted.

An expungement lawyer provides support throughout the journey, increasing the chances of a successful outcome. They also help you stay informed about recent legal developments that could impact your case. Seek help from an experienced attorney in your journey to moving forward.

The Irving Law Firm Fights For Your Clean Record

The Irving Law Firm offers comprehensive services to individuals seeking expungement in Virginia. Our legal team provides personalized support and straightforward guidance throughout the process. We understand that navigating this complex process can be challenging, and we are committed to offering the attention and assistance you need.

Every case is unique and requires a customized strategy for a fair outcome. From the initial consultation, our lawyers for expungement listen to your concerns and work closely with you to develop a plan addressing your specific needs and goals.

Choosing The Irving Law Firm means accessing a dedicated team that advocates for your clean record. Our legal team provides the support you need to achieve expungement and move forward with your life.


Expunging a criminal record in Virginia offers a vital opportunity to rebuild your life without the burden of a past charge. Eligibility criteria include being acquitted, being a victim of identity theft, or receiving an absolute pardon, among other specific situations. However, in 2025, new laws allow for sealing specific low-level criminal convictions.

A record expungement lawyer guides you through the process, from checking eligibility to attending court hearings. The Irving Law Firm provides dedicated professionals who advocate for your rights. Our legal team offers assistance in achieving a clear record and moving forward with a fresh start.

John Irving brings a working knowledge of all aspects of the legal process to any case or client with his extensive and eclectic legal background. In 1997, John received his undergraduate bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. Shortly after graduation he began work as a fraud investigator for the City of New York. John handled thousands of cases involving welfare and housing fraud. Following this position, he was recruited to and employed by the Prince William County Police Department where he exhibited his superior abilities and received several commendations and awards.

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