Lawyer For Theft Helps You Successfully Face Charges

Lawyer For Theft Helps You Successfully Face Charges

Are stealing charges being brought against you? Successfully handling such allegations in Manassas, VA, demands a thorough grasp of Virginia’s property crime regulations. This is where the knowledge of a seasoned Lawyer For Theft becomes crucial. They work to ensure you receive fair treatment and that your rights are protected at every step of the legal journey.

Here, you will discover the role of lawyers in handling this type of crime. You will also understand theft charges in Virginia, their types, and their punishments. Read on to discover various defense strategies to reach a favorable result.

Lawyer For Theft In Manassas: Protecting Your Rights

The Role Of A Lawyer For Theft

In theft cases, lawyers play a pivotal role in ensuring you receive fair treatment under Virginia law. Their responsibilities encompass conducting thorough investigations, scrutinizing evidence, interviewing witnesses, and reviewing pertinent documentation. Lawyers conduct comprehensive investigations to gather vital evidence and identify potential defenses to strengthen your case.

Beyond investigation and defense strategy, lawyers for theft represent you in court proceedings, such as hearings and trials. They adeptly present arguments, cross-examine witnesses and advocate for you before judges or juries. Lawyers use their knowledge to challenge evidence and win your case.

These legal professionals aim to uphold your rights by carrying out these duties. They will diligently work so you can fully comprehend theft charges and their implications. 

Understanding Theft Charges In Virginia

Theft charges encompass various offenses with distinct elements and potential punishments. Understanding these involves recognizing the different types of violations and the corresponding penalties they carry.


Larceny involves unlawfully taking someone else’s property with the intent to deprive them of it permanently. It consists of stealing tangible items, such as belongings or merchandise, and intangible property, like money or intellectual property. 

According to the Virginia code, this type of theft can be classified into petit or grand larceny based on the stolen property’s value. Petit larceny entails stealing something worth under $5 from another person or taking property worth under $1000. On the other hand, grand larceny involves taking something worth $5 or more from a person or stealing property valued at $1000 or more.

Petit and grand larceny are distinct in severity and punishment under the law. Petit larceny is a Class 1 misdemeanor that results in a jail term of up to 12 months and a fine of up to $2,500. Conversely, grand larceny is a felony offense that can result in a prison sentence of up to 20 years or confinement in jail for up to 12 months. Additionally, there may be a fine of up to $2,500.


Breaking and entering into a building to steal or commit a crime is burglary. Unlike larceny, it involves unlawfully entering premises, regardless of whether theft or another felony occurs. Burglary charges range from misdemeanor to felony. Depending on the details of the case, convictions for felonies can result in lengthy jail terms. 


Taking another person’s goods from their presence by force, threat, or intimidation is known as robbery. In contrast to larceny, robbery involves confrontation or violence against the victim. It is always classified as a felony with severe penalties, carrying a five-year minimum jail penalty and a life sentence, highlighting its seriousness under the law.

Regardless of the type of theft, the legal consequences are not to be taken lightly. Therefore, individuals facing charges should seek legal counsel to understand their circumstances and explore possible defense strategies.

Common Defense Strategies

In legal proceedings, defendants facing theft charges can employ various strategies to challenge the accusations against them. Understanding these defense options allows you to protect your rights in court and successfully face theft charges.

Claim Of Ownership

This asserts that you genuinely believed you had a right to possess the property you were accused of stealing. This defense can arise in situations where there is a dispute over ownership. It involves shared or abandoned property and misunderstandings about consent to take the property.

Lack Of Intent

The defense of lack of intent claims that you do not have the motive to commit theft. This may involve demonstrating that you mistakenly believed you had permission to take the property. Alternatively, it may include showing that your intention was not to permanently deprive the owner of it.


This defense argues that you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the alleged theft. It impairs your ability to form the requisite intent to commit the crime. However, the effectiveness of this defense can vary whether the intoxication was voluntary or involuntary. 


This type of defense alleges that you were induced or coerced by law enforcement or another party to commit the theft. It asserts that you would not have engaged in the criminal conduct otherwise. To successfully establish entrapment, you must demonstrate that you were not predisposed to commit the crime.

False Allegations

The false allegations defense asserts that you have been wrongly accused of theft. This could be due to mistaken identity, fabricated evidence, or malicious intent on the part of the accuser. Here, you may present alibis, witnesses, or evidence contradicting the prosecution’s case.

These strategies aim to raise reasonable doubt about your guilt and undermine the prosecution’s case. One or more of these defenses may be employed to secure a favorable outcome for you. 

Mistakes To Avoid When Facing Charges

Individuals convicted of theft charges in Virginia face severe consequences. There is no room for mistakes in such serious cases. Here are some errors to avoid when dealing with theft charges.

Failing To Hire An Experienced Attorney

One of the critical errors to avoid is not hiring an experienced lawyer for theft to represent you. A skilled attorney can safeguard your rights, develop a robust defense strategy, and represent you effectively in court. Additionally, they can offer helpful advice and assistance every step of the way through the legal proceedings. An experienced lawyer is your ally as you face the challenges brought by these criminal charges.

Talking To Law Enforcement Without Legal Representation

Talking to law enforcement in the absence of legal representation can pose risks. Anything you disclose may be used against you in court. Thus, it’s wise to exercise your right to remain silent to safeguard your interests. Then, wait for legal counsel before discussing your case with law enforcement. Your lawyer can walk you through the situation and advise on what to say.

Underestimating The Seriousness Of The Charge

Theft charges can have significant consequences, including fines, probation, and jail time. However, the penalties depend on the circumstances and the value of the stolen property. It is crucial not to underestimate the seriousness of the situation and to take the charges seriously from the beginning.

Pleading Guilty Without Considering Your Options

Pleading guilty without fully understanding your legal options is a mistake. Consider potential defenses and weaknesses in the prosecution’s case that could result in a favorable outcome for you. Consulting with an experienced lawyer for theft is crucial to assess your case and determine the best course of action.

Discussing Your Case On Social Media

Talking about your case on social media can harm your defense. Anything you publish online can be used against you in court. It is essential to avoid discussing the details of your case or making any statements. These could be interpreted negatively by the prosecution.

Avoiding these mistakes can amplify your chances of a favorable outcome when charged with theft in Virginia. Thus, seeking assistance from a criminal law firm can help safeguard your rights during the legal proceedings.

Lawyer For Theft : Successfully Facing Charges With Legal Support

Seek Legal Guidance From The Irving Law Firm

The Irving Law Firm provides legal counsel and representation for individuals involved in theft-related cases. Based in Manassas, Virginia, the firm’s local knowledge is crucial for navigating theft cases within the state’s legal framework. They take pride in having a seasoned team and offer strategic defense strategies tailored to your unique circumstances. 

This legal partner’s track record of success demonstrates their adeptness in navigating legal intricacies and securing favorable results for you. Seeking legal guidance from them for theft-related cases ensures a comprehensive defense strategy. 

The firm’s seasoned criminal lawyer’s flexibility and availability reinforce their commitment to providing exceptional legal representation. You can trust them to navigate the difficulties of theft cases and safeguard your rights with dedication and proficiency.


Understanding the types of theft charges, from larceny to robbery, is vital. Their penalties depend on several factors, like the value of the stolen property and criminal history. While effective defenses exist, such as claiming ownership or lack of intent, you may still be susceptible to common pitfalls. 

To successfully face theft charges, avoid speaking to law enforcement alone and underestimating the charge’s seriousness. Instead, seek the guidance of a lawyer for theft from firms like The Irving Law Firm for personalized strategies and legal support.

John Irving brings a working knowledge of all aspects of the legal process to any case or client with his extensive and eclectic legal background. In 1997, John received his undergraduate bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. Shortly after graduation he began work as a fraud investigator for the City of New York. John handled thousands of cases involving welfare and housing fraud. Following this position, he was recruited to and employed by the Prince William County Police Department where he exhibited his superior abilities and received several commendations and awards.

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