El estado de Virginia tiene definiciones muy claras sobre lo que constituye un delito sexual, con diferentes niveles de gravedad para cada tipo de delito sexual.
Lea a continuación para conocer algunos de los tipos de delitos sexuales por los que puede ser condenado en Virginia, las penas por delitos sexuales y cómo los acusados de un delito sexual pueden buscar la ayuda de un abogado especializado en delitos sexuales.
Si usted ha sido acusado de un DUI en Virginia, puede que se pregunte: "¿Afectará un DUI a las perspectivas de empleo en el futuro?".
Lea a continuación para aprender cuáles son las consecuencias de la condena por DUI en el empleo y cómo un defensor legal de DUI de Virginia puede ayudar.
Si usted ha sido acusado de delitos de agresión sexual en Virginia, lo primero que debe saber es que la Commonwealth de Virginia no se toma estos delitos a la ligera. Los delitos sexuales se consideran especialmente atroces según la legislación de Virginia, y los delincuentes están sujetos a penas severas.
Sin embargo, la naturaleza pública de los casos de delitos sexuales en Virginia hace que la experiencia de ser procesado sea aún más angustiosa para los acusados de delitos sexuales.
Siga leyendo para saber qué esperar si se le acusa de delitos de agresión sexual en Virginia.
¿Ha sido acusado de conducir ebrio en Virginia? Cuando se le acusa de un DUI necesitará un buen abogado de conducir en estado de ebriedad Virginia.
Siga leyendo para 4 cosas que usted debe saber al seleccionar un abogado por conducir en estado de ebriedad.
A diferencia de la conducción temeraria o la conducción con un permiso suspendido, una multa por exceso de velocidad no se considera un cargo penal. Sin embargo, una condena por exceso de velocidad puede tener consecuencias duraderas y costosas, como el aumento de las tarifas del seguro o incluso la suspensión de la licencia.
Hay varias cuestiones técnicas de defensa que intervienen en la lucha contra una multa por exceso de velocidad en Virginia, que van desde el radar y las calibraciones del velocímetro al ritmo del oficial de policía. Un abogado de tráfico con experiencia podrá ayudarle en esas áreas. Pero, ¿qué puede hacer por su cuenta para minimizar el impacto de una multa por exceso de velocidad?
Siga leyendo para aprender más acerca de cómo luchar contra una multa por exceso de velocidad en Virginia y lo que un abogado de tráfico puede hacer por usted.
El divorcio puede ser un poco diferente en Virginia que en otros estados. Es posible que se haya informado sobre el proceso de divorcio y se haya preguntado: "¿Qué es un "divorcio de lecho y cama"?
Siga leyendo para saber más sobre el divorcio de la pensión completa y lo que necesita saber.
Si ha sido acusado o condenado por exhibicionismo puede que se esté haciendo la pregunta: "¿Tiene que registrarse como delincuente sexual en Virginia?".
La respuesta, si te han condenado, suele ser "Sí".
Siga leyendo para obtener más información sobre el registro de delincuentes sexuales en Virginia.
¿Ha sido condenado por un DUI en Manassas, Loudon, Arlington, o Fairfax? Si es así, tal vez se pregunte: "¿Cómo funciona la cancelación de antecedentes penales en Virginia?".
El bufete de abogados de Irving & Irving ha estado ayudando a clientes durante décadas, abordando cada caso con dedicación y atención personal.
Siga leyendo para obtener más información sobre las posibilidades de cancelación de antecedentes penales por DUI en Virginia.
O llame a [phone] para hablar con un abogado defensor experto.
Virginia tiene algunas consecuencias extremadamente duras por DUI. Si usted es condenado por un DUI, la respuesta a la pregunta "¿Cuánto tiempo permanece un DUI en mi expediente en Virginia?" es 11 años.
¿Cuánto cuesta un DUI en Virginia?
Si usted es condenado por un DUI en Virginia, el costo será mucho mayor que una simple multa. Siga leyendo para aprender 5 consecuencias de una condena por DUI en Virginia y averiguar cómo puede proteger sus derechos si su son acusados.
"¿Es un DUI un delito menor en Virginia?" Si se enfrenta a cargos por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol, ésta puede ser una de las preguntas que le ronden por la cabeza. La respuesta, sencillamente, es sí.
Conducir bajo la influencia (DUI) o conducir en estado de ebriedad (DWI) se clasifican como cargos penales de delito menor de clase 1 de Virginia. Las consecuencias de una DUI pueden ser muy graves. Si es condenado, incluso en un primer delito, puede encontrarse pasando hasta un año en la cárcel, pagando hasta $ 2,500 en multas y posiblemente / probablemente ver su licencia de conducir suspendida.
"¿Las multas por semáforo en rojo van a tu historial en Virginia?" La respuesta es sí.
Si le condenan, la infracción por semáforo en rojo aparecerá en su historial de conducción -pueden añadirse hasta cuatro puntos a su historial-, lo que también puede hacer que suban las tarifas de su seguro.
What Our Clients Say About Us
Our attorneys in Virginia will represent you in divorce, family, business formation, criminal, personal injury & estate planning cases.
Passionate, Fierce and Meticulous
I don’t normally post things and typically stay to myself, but I felt convicted as someone out there may be going through the same thing that I have- fighting for custody/ visitation of your child and can use some direction. There’s a lot of great attorneys/ firms out there and I have spent the money hiring and/ interviewing, but I needed a meticulous, fierce and dynamic one just to have a fighting chance. From the moment I met Attorney Rebecca Thacher, I knew she was the attorney for me. I didn’t feel like a client, I was family. What’s crazy about this….. My case was on a Monday morning, but because I retained her as my lawyer so late, I didn’t give her my information until almost after 4:00 on that Friday. She understood my plea for help and was absolutely fierce in the courtroom citing all my concerns and raised crucial points. I came out victorious. I’m a father and I know what it’s like for a child to be used as a weapon, with Attorney Rebecca Thacher you are not in this alone so please ask for help and retain her.
He’ll Fight For You In The Court Until You Can’t Fight AnymoreI got charged with a possession charge and couldn’t afford a lawyer at the time, so the court appointed Fernando to my case. Whenever you choose to get a court appointed lawyer you’re always taking a risk. Because you’re one of who knows how many clients the court has given him with the same problems. But, Fernando never made me feel like another “body” he’d do basic work for while moving to the next. He’s sincere, he listens, and genuinely wants his clients to succeed. He’ll fight for you in the court until you can’t fight anymore. He was truly a blessing and a great lawyer.
I Always Felt That She Had My Best Interests At Heart
Angela Morehouse at the Irving Law Firm represented me in my divorce and for the guardianship/conservatorship of my mother. Her and her paralegal are not only professional but thorough in their representation. I always felt that she had my best interests at heart and could count on her and the firm during my most difficult times. I would highly recommend Angela and the firm and wouldn’t hesitate to retain them in the future if the need arises.
He Is Such A Good Lawyer & Will Fight Hard For You
Mr.Irving literally saved my life. He is such a good lawyer and will fight hard for you. His whole staff is also super nice and professional. I was in big trouble and he managed to get my charges dropped down to a lower offence. I really appreciated his direct straight up approach with me, along with his empathy and understanding. I will never use another lawyer again. He really is the best!.
Has Been Fully Engaged In Working My Case From The Moment He Was Assigned!
A fantastic firm. I have used them for both criminal defense and civil law and cannot recommend them enough. For my civil case I was awarded significantly more than I thought I would be getting and it came in a very timely manner. Fernando, who is handling my criminal case, is amazing. He has been fully engaged in working my case from the moment he was assigned. He is trustworthy, provides honest assessments of situations, and has proven himself invaluable to me. In this very trying time he has also shown that he actually cares about my case and it’s outcome. I’m so grateful he’s on my side and I have recommended him to a number of friends and family members. If you need a lawyer this entire firm seems to be absolutely top notch.
He Delivered On Everything He Promised!
Mark B. was amazing! He delivered on everything he promised. He prepared me for worst case scenario and had a great plan from the beginning. Luckily he was able to get all charges dropped. He’s a very busy guy but never made me feel like he rushed anything. I usually do not like dealing with lawyers, but he’s a rare breed. He’s very professional, personable and likable. Best of all he charged me a flat fee up front. I owe that guy everything. Least I could do is leave a great review. I would definitely recommend him, and use his talents again if needed.
Thanks For The Comfort Of Having A Great Law Firm To Lean On!John Irving and the rest of the team at Irving Law Firm have provided exceptional service for all of my needs on multiple occasions. I would not recommend anyone else. They take the time to explain what will happen, keep you updated, and make sure to provide the best possible help they can. Thanks for the comfort of having a great law firm to lean on!
The Outcome Was Better Than We Could Have Hoped For
John and The Irving Law Firm handled our case with the utmost professionalism and dignity. We are grateful for John’s knowledge and his great reputation in the area. The outcome was better than we could have hoped for and, should we ever have need for legal services again, The Irving Law Firm will be our first call.
The Best Customer Service, Amazing Rates & Knowledge In The Business
John is an amazing lawyer with the experience and knowledge to represent anybody with any issues. I highly recommend the Irving Law Firm to anybody looking for a law firm with the best customer service, amazing rates and knowledge in the business.
Quick To Respond & Are Empathetic To Your Struggles
The attorneys at Irving and Irving are honest, hard-working and will stand by you until your case is closed. They are quick to respond and are empathetic to your struggles. If I ever need an attorney again, they are the only one’s I would trust. Thank you!
Handled My Case Including Guidance Before & During My Time In CourtJohn and his team are great at what they do. I was pleased at how they handled my case including guidance before and during my time in court. I would recommend them to anyone.
Genuinely Wants His Clients To Succeed & Cares For Their FutureMark is an outstanding lawyer. He has been nothing but respectful and professional since the day I have met him. He genuinely wants his clients to succeed and cares for their future. I Would definitely recommend him in the future to anybody who’s looking for a lawyer.
When I Say He Fought For Me He Fought For Me!
I want to say this is the best law firm. Mark is the best very professional and outstanding never lied to me was always upfront with me. He stood up for me in court he’s just awesome I can’t say enough about him. I would recommend this law firm to any and everyone that wants good representation. When I say he fought for me he fought for me!!!!! He always was there when I called or emailed if he was a tab bit busy. He knows what he is doing in the courtroom. Thank you so much Mark.
Nuestra misión en The Irving Law Firm es proporcionar un servicio excepcional y la satisfacción del cliente.